Bookseller Catalogs

Spring 2018

By Yesterday's Muse, Inc.

Spring 2018 139 items. Highlights include fine bindings produced by Sangorski & Sutcliffe (including a signed limited edition of Truman Capote's In Cold Blood, collections of works by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, J.D. Salinger, Kahlil Gibran, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Ayn Rand, and a group of books about John F. Kennedy); the first two book appearances of Mickey Mouse; a 1657 edition of Plutarch's Morals; two editions of Rockwell Kent's Moby Dick.

How to request a print version: Printable PDF

eCatalogue 239

By The Bookpress, Ltd.

eCatalogue 239 The 6th Annual Virginia Antiquarian Book Fair.

How to request a print version: Please contact the Bookpress and we will be happy to add you to our email list for all catalogues.

E-Catalogue 13

By Musinsky Rare Books, Inc.

E-Catalogue 13 20 recent acquisitions including incunables, early Continental publishers’ bindings, instructional manuals to help advance one’s career or spiritual standing, a history of the Morisco revolt, an history of Bamberg Bishops in verse, a Catalan illustrated broadside, a lawyer’s rhyming comedies, and two illustrated hagiographies.


How to request a print version: Please contact us for a printed copy.

194: ABRAHAM PAIS Offprint Collection: Physics & Physicists

By Jeff Weber Rare Books

194: ABRAHAM PAIS Offprint Collection: Physics & Physicists JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKS #194: Twentieth Century Physics & friends of Abraham Pais: Christian FRONSDAL, Sergio FUBINI, Akihiko FUJII, Jun-Ichi FUJITA, Hiroshi FUKUDA, Harry W. FULBRIGHT, Thomas FULTON, Susumu FURUICHI, Alberto Tixaire GALINDO, Raffaele Raoul GATTO, Roy J. GLAUBER, Irwin GOLDBERG, Hyman H. GOLDSMITH, R. H. GOOD, Jr., Marcus Campbell GOODALL, Cornelis Jacobus GORTER, Harold GRAD, Herbert Sydney GREEN, Oscar Wallace GREENBERG, B. GRUBER, Suraj N. GUPTA, Feza GÜRSEY, Torsten GUSTAFSON, Rudolf HAAG, HARISH-CHANDRA, Peter HAVAS, Erwin N. HIEBERT, Egil A. HYLLERAAS, Mineo IKEDA, Herbert JEHLE, Mark KAC, Claude KACSER, Robert KARPLUS, Pieter W. KASTELEYN, Bruria KAUFMAN, Nicholas KEMMER, Takashi KIKUTA, Toichiro KINOSHITA, David Abramovich KIRZHNITS, Abraham KLEIN, Nathan Schellenberg KLINE, Minoru KOBAYASI, Michiji KONUMA, Emil John (Jan) KONOPINSKI, Ralph de Laer KRONIG, Thomas Samuel KUHN, Nicolaas Hendrik KUIPER, Wolfgang KUMMER, Nicholas KURTI, Shuichi KUSAKA, Willis Eugene LAMB, Mambillikalathil Govind Kumar MENON, Christian MØLLER, Elliott Waters MONTROLL, Cécile Andrée Paule Dewitt MORETTE, Philip McCord MORSE, Marston MORSE, Marcos MOSHINSKY BORODIANSKY, Volkhard F. MÜLLER, John H. MULVEY, Yasuhisa MURAI, Ivan J. MUZINICH, Yoichiro NAMBU, Jayant Vishnu NARLIKAR, Henry Victor NEHER, Roger Gerhard NEWTON, Rodney W. NICHOLS, S. Bertil NILSSON, Barry William NINHAM, Arnold Theodore NORDSIECK, Jørgen Ib NØRLUND, Henry Pierre NOYES, Reinhard OEHME, V.I. OGIEVETSKY, Taisuke OKAYAMA, Susumu OKUBO, Lev Borisovich OKUN, W. OPECHOWSKI, Lochlainn O’RAIFEARTAIGH, Sandip PAKVASA, Solomon Isaakovich PEKAR, Huanwu PENG, Donald Hill PERKINS, Robert Wallace PIDD, Hartmut M. PILKUHN, Åke PLEIJEL, Boris PODOLSKY, J. PODOLANSKI, John Charlton POLKINGHORNE, Richard Freeman POST, Cecil Frank POWELL, Jacek PRENTKI, Henry PRIMAKOFF, Alexandru PROCA, Maurice Henry Lecorney PRYCE, K. RAMAN, Norman F. RAMSEY, J. RANFT, Sir Martin John REES, Tuolio Eugenio REGGE, M. RESNIKOFF, Robert Davis RICHTMYER, Marcel RIESZ, Howard Percy ROBERTSON, Derek William ROBINSON, Fritz ROHRLICH, Paul ROMAN, Morris Erich ROSE, Simon Peter ROSEN, Léon ROSENFELD, Josef ROTHLEITNER, Adalbert [Wojciech] Sylwester Piotr Rubinowicz RUBINOWICZ, Henri RUEGG, Jan RZEWUSKI, Lyman SPITZER, Jr., Tonny Albert SPRINGER, Berthold STECH, Jack STEINBERGER, J. STRATHDEE, Hiroshi SUURA, M. F. SYKES, Kurt SYMANZIK, Yasushi TAKAHASHI, Yoshiro TAKANO, K. TANAKA, Frank R.TANGHERLINI, Smio TANI, Dirk TER HAAR, Sin-itiro TOMONAGA, Sam Bard TREIMAN, Hideki YUKAWA, and Charles T.ZAHN.

How to request a print version: Write to: Jeff Weber Rare Books

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